The privacy and security of your
customers, your partners, and your hospitality or tourism company are crucial
to maintaining a healthy social media presence. According
to Vogel, Social media network security involves choosing strong passwords
for your accounts, not revealing too much personal information, being wary of
scams, and educating yourself on social media. A social media policy is
essentially a list of guidelines for how an employee can interact with others
on social media while referencing their company. Collins
et al explain that employer policies should not be too strict in that they
violate federal law. Below is a safety and security checklist to consider when thinking
about privacy and security for your business:
Strong Passwords:
As our friends at Burger King learned
recently on Twitter, no account is safe without strong security. To choose
a strong password, always use complex wording and choices, never share account
information, and be unique (Vogel, 2011).
Create a social media forum for employees to share their
concerns: Instead of staying quiet and
causing your employees to post negative opinions about your company through their
accounts (this
speech is protected), create a social media forum (through your social
media policy) for them to have open discussion with your organization (Halpern,
et al, 2012). We all know negative reviews hurt our industry and these reviews
should not come from the inside.
Integrate social media into employee training: The US
Department of Defense has an informative module that explains social media
in a brief overview. Next, split up your employees into groups based on the
infographic below and train them based on their experience and knowledge.
- US Department of Defense
- When is Your Company’s Social Media Policy an Unfair Labor Practice? Recent NLRB Decisions Offer Long-Awaited Guidance for Employers
- Media Bistro
- NRLB Report: Employers' Social Media Policies Must be Narrow, Must not Restrict Right to Engage in Protected Activities
- Tips for Safe & Secure Social Networking