Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Marist COM610 Social Media - Digital Paper Outline

This week my blog will be focused on some insight into tracking my progress with the blogging format over the last several weeks. This progress will be explained in a digital paper using Storify to convey how social media channels should all be integrated together to achieve maximum results. This paper will be the culmination of everything I have learned in my graduate Course at Marist, Social Media Strategies and Tactics. This is valuable to all hospitality and tourism operators as they plan their social media strategies. The best way to learn is by taking a look at others’ learning experiences!

This is a rough outline of how I intend to present this project so your feedback is appreciated. Is it easy to understand? Is it clear what I have learned? Will this paper help you further understand the importance of social media (especially blogging) as it relates to your business? 

Brief introduction of myself including how I came to choose the hospitality and tourism marketing blog topic. 

·         Overview & Policies

-          Goals of this blog
-          Blog target audiences
-          Objectives to communicating with these target audiences
-          Blog excerpts to show how these objectives were executed
-          Site policies for the blog

·         Engagement Tactics

-          Facebook – How was this used?
-          Twitter – How was this used?
-          Pinterest – How was this used?
-          Any other engagement tactics including use of key words

·         Stats and Analysis

-          Entry and page views
-          Traffic sources including referring URLs
-          Audiences including physical location
-          Specific analysis of each blog post

·         Conclusion

-          Lessons learned
-          Future blogging strategy
-          Accomplishment of objectives

I appreciate your feedback!


  1. James,

    I really think you covered everything in your outline. Your outline seems pretty straight forward! Are there any questions you had, anything you were looking for specific feedback on that I can offer you?

    1. Thanks Christine! If you were not on this class, would this blog have helped you understand the importance of social media as it relates to business?

    2. Yes without a doubt! You have had really interesting blog posts. Since I was team leader last week and monitored the blog posts, I paid extra attention to your “Social Media Security & Policy - Just as Important as the Food You Make or the Rooms You Sell” your infographic on “How to train your employees to handle your social media” was a great addition to the blog. You post not only topics relating to “Hospitality and Tourism Marketing”, but your incorporation of the readings was very versatile. We had to include our readings but you did such a great job I think that outside readers who have not read the chapters and articles would not have been lost. Any person or organization can read your blog and take away lessons and information to apply to the business world.

  2. Much like the other outlines from our group, yours looks to be comprehensive. It does not look like there is anything you are missing at this point, but was there anything in any particular section that was presenting a problem?

    1. Hi Laura,

      Honestly, I feel confident in where I will take my digital paper. What are some lessons you have learned? There may be lessons I am overlooking.

  3. James,

    Honestly, the biggest lesson I have learned from this experience is how much time and effort really go into managing a successful blog. One really does have to spend time every day to ensure that the content they are putting out is interesting, that they are adequately managing comments on their blog and that they are using other forms of social media to drive traffic. As Scott mentions in his book, he does not spend several consecutive hours each day managing social media, rather he logs in several times per day in small bursts. I think that this was good advice, as social media management can easily become overwhelming if not managed regularly.

    1. Thanks, Laura! Agreed. Blogging is about more than just telling some stories. It takes time develop your thoughts and create a thoughtful blog post. Social media management is difficult because there are so many sites and you need to engage your followers. Scott's advice is important so that you do not lost too much time.

  4. Hi James,
    You have presented a really thorough outline here. I was so impressed with your blog throughout the entire duration of this class. With regards to encouraging engagement, how exactly did you use Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook, and could you explain in more detail what you mean by "key words" as you have mentioned in your outline? Thanks in advance!

    1. Thanks, Kristin. I used these sites by posting, Tweeting, and pinning twice a week. I did not want to overwhelm my followers with constant posts about my blog. I also depended on shares to drive outside of class traffic. A few people shared my blog on Facebook, causing it to be seen by many more people.

      I tried to write with key words. It was difficult to be strategic but i used buzz words like "weak communication strategies" which caused my blog to appear in google search results.
